Welcome to Swimcity, all of you who are here for a little bit of a special routine.

Now that you're fed up with the same boring routine that's repeated and repeated, 

why don't we all try to deviate from Swimcity? 

It's a bit awkward and unfamiliar, but I'm sure you'll fall for Swimcity charm.

You are a deep, wide sea

We're all deep in the ocean where we don't know where to go, where to go.

Your choice is precious and must be respected, and no one can control our choice.

Don't forget that each of us has different directions and depths.

Off fixed idea

There's no stereotype in Swimcity.

Why don't you try some special deviations that you've never experienced before? 

You can be special

Don't be afraid of being special.

Sometimes it's not enough, but in the process, we're going to have a more special.

Get to know yourself by aligning that precious piece of my experience, 

and have a precious time to focus more on me, not others.

No one can stop us from being groomed and happy.

Don't forget that the most important thing is my little breakaway of courage.

♥ Spend your free time ♥


조금은 특별한 일상을 위해 찾아오신 여러분, 

스윔시티에 오신걸 환영합니다 !

반복되고 반복되는 똑같은 지루한 일상이 질린 요즘, 

다같이 스윔시티로 일탈해보는건 어떠신가요? 

조금은 어색하고 낯선 곳이지만 

분명히 여러분들은 스윔시티 매력에 빠지실거에요.

You are a deep, wide sea

우리는 모두 어디로 흘러갈지, 

목적지를 알지 못하는 깊은 바다에요

여러분의 선택은 소중하고 존중되어야 하며, 

그 누구도 우리의 선택을 컨트롤 할 수 없어요

우리 각자에게 다양한 방향이 있고 깊음이 있다는 걸 잊지말아요.

Off fixed idea

스윔시티에서 고정관념이란 없어요

스스로에게 지금껏 경험해보지 못한, 

조금은 특별한 일탈들을 시도해보는 건 어떨까요? 

You can be special

특별해지는 것을 두려워 하지 마세요

가끔은 부족하고 엇나갈 수도 있겠지만 

그 과정에서 우리는 더욱 특별해지는 경험을 하게 될거에요.

그 소중한 나의 경험의 조각을 맞추어 자신 알아가고, 

남이 아닌 조금 더 나에게 집중하는 소중한 시간을 가져보세요.

그 누구도 우리 스스로가 가꾸어지고 행복해지는 것을 방해할 순 없어요

가장 중요한 것은 용기있는 나의 작은 일탈이라는 것을 잊지마세요 

♥ Spend your free time ♥


Welcome to Swimcity, all of you who are here for 

a little bit of a special routine.

Now that you're fed up with the same boring routine that's 

repeated and repeated, 

why don't we all try to deviate from Swimcity? 

It's a bit awkward and unfamiliar, 

but I'm sure you'll fall for Swimcity charm.

You are a deep, wide sea

We're all deep in the ocean where 

we don't know where to go, where to go.

Your choice is precious and must be respected, 

and no one can control our choice.

Don't forget that each of us has different directions 

and depths.

Off fixed idea

There's no stereotype in Swimcity.

Why don't you try some special deviations that 

you've never experienced before? 

You can be special

Don't be afraid of being special.

Sometimes it's not enough, but in the process, 

we're going to have a more special.

Get to know yourself by aligning 

that precious piece of my experience, 

and have a precious time to focus more on me, 

not others.

No one can stop us from being groomed and happy.

Don't forget that the most important thing is my little breakaway of courage.

Spend your free time